About the Table Fellowship
The Table Fellowship exists to cultivate intimacy with God and with people. Our deepest desire is to see the Kingdom of Heaven make its home on earth. We are a community of radical lovers of God’s Presence who are committed to faithfully walking the journey of transformation both for ourselves and the community in which we live. We meet together to enjoy one another and to experience the transforming power of His love. We believe that people function at their highest level when they are in a culture that promotes Biblical freedom, when they feel empowered to discover and be themselves, and when we as a community honor each other according to how God originally designed us. Here at The Table Fellowship, we desire to be a community that nurtures the inherent longing people have for the endless heart of God.
Our Beliefs
We see faith as holistic and these four pillars are helping to guide us individually and as a community as we encounter God’s presence.
Our Pillars: Word, Spirit, Justice & Community.
WORD (2 Tim. 3:16; 1 Thess. 2:13)
We are convinced that Jesus is the perfect depiction of God the Father. Jesus is called the ‘Word’ made flesh (Jn 1:14) and therefore our definition of Word must begin with an acknowledgment that any and all of the written Biblical text is always pointing to the Person who is presently sitting at the right hand of the Father clothed in glory. We believe that the written text of Scripture is an inspired, anointed, and sacred revelation of the person of Jesus that has been given for the equipping of the saint for every good work the Father has prepared for them. Scripture has been anointed by the Spirit of truth to teach, correct, rebuke, and train us in the specific realms of righteousness that we are called to carry into a broken world. Lastly, we believe it is important to delineate between the Word that is alive and active (sitting at the right hand of the Father) and our interpretation of the Word that can be based in our own limited perspective of God and His Truth (Heb. 4:11-13). The true Word of the Father discerned, interpreted, and implemented by the Spirit of Truth will always lead His Bride out of mentalities of striving, performance, and toil into a rest that Jesus gave His life to purchase on the cross for all humanity.
SPIRIT (Gal. 5:22-23; 1 Cor. 12; Eph. 4; John 14-17)
We are convinced that the Holy Spirit has existed eternally as the Third Person of the Trinity, fully God and fully coordinating and participating in the loving fellowship of Father and Son. The Spirit has been given to us as a gift to empower us to share in the same fellowship the Trinity is experiencing. We have found that the passion of Holy Spirit is to communicate the eternal identity of each person made in the image of God (Jn 16:13). He is quietly and consistently beckoning the world out from under their bankrupt images and to step into the light of His glorious inheritance for us (Eph. 1:11-14)! He delights in communicating our Oneness with Him (1 Cor. 6:17; Jn 14:20) who has intimately known each one of us from before the foundation of the world (Rom. 8:29; Eph. 1:4-5; Jer. 1:5). The Spirit is the guide given to navigate our complex interior worlds in order to bring us deeper into the revelation of what it means to be ‘in Christ’ (Jn 16:13; Eph 1). We believe Holy Spirit orchestrates this journey to empower His Church to continually yield to His leading in their life (Gal. 5). When we participate in the Spirit’s leading He deepens our capacity to receive love and give love in return. We believe in and celebrate both the fruit of the spirit as well as the gifts of the spirit in operation today. We believe that God’s eternal purpose has been that these gifts and the Spirit’s fruit in our lives in conjunction with heart connection to Him and one another will always display the manifold wisdom of God to the principalities and powers in the heavenly realms (Eph. 3:10).
JUSTICE (Matthew 25; James 1:27; Ps. 37:28a)
We are convinced that God is passionate about Righteousness and Justice in today’s world. The Psalms proclaim that these are the foundations of His throne. So much so, that Mercy and Truth go forward into the world as a result of these being established in our world (Ps 89:14). We believe that God has entrusted His image to all humanity, whether or not they recognize His image in themselves. Therefore Righteousness and Justice are always connected to His image. We believe that we have been entrusted with a revelation of His righteousness that we are called to steward, protect, and cultivate. Righteousness acts as a breastplate that covers the most vital parts of who we are as humans made in His image (Eph. 6). Righteousness, our acting in accordance with the original image He conveyed to us, covers the place in our hearts from which our life flows, protecting it from the thief who comes to steal, kill, and destroy. As a result of His Righteousness on earth, Justice becomes our participation in the restoration of His image in every person, tribe, and tongue on earth. As the earth begins to align with His original intent for all creation we find that new measures of Mercy and Truth go forward and release freedom into the world (Jn 8:32). That freedom is always to return to His original intention, His original design, His original desire for mankind - to be free to carry the unique expression of His righteousness into a lost and broken world. Justice is the Spirit’s radical restoration of His Image awakened and empowered within His people!
COMMUNITY (Acts 2:42)
We are convinced that any place where the Spirit is working in an individual it will always lead them to connect in a deeper way to the people around them. Community is the soil where transformation is worked out in practical ways. We are committed to learning to be present with Him, with our own hearts, and with those around us as we believe this is the hallmark of a healthy and vibrant community (Acts 2:46). The ‘abundant life’ of John 10:10 will always involve some form of heart connection with God and with people around you. We believe that the church is intended to be a place for the authentic, honest, and vulnerable journey of becoming the restored Image of the One who calls us the Beloved. We celebrate the messy, un-programmed, mysterious, and sacred journey of each individual. We are convinced that it is our deepest honor to walk that sacred journey with those who call Him their Lord (Acts 2:42).